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Midland Animal Clinic - Poway, CA


Tracey Carrier

Midland - Poway Dr. Tracey Carrier


Tracey Carrier

Dr. Tracey Carrier is originally from Hesston, Kansas and moved to San Diego after receiving her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and Masters in Preventative Veterinary Medicine degrees from U.C. Davis.  She ultimately ended up residing in Poway because she liked the small town atmosphere and excellent public schools.   Dr. Carrier has been a part of the Midland Animal Clinic family since 2003 and loves the family feel of the practice.  The part of being a vet that she enjoys most is when she gets to take on the role of a detective, and by working with clients and their pets, she gets to solve cases and help to improve the animals lives.   Dr. Carrier is deeply committed to supporting the activities of her two children—Sarah & Cameron, and enjoys activities such as yoga, meditation, and visiting museums.  The other members of the Carrier family include four cats—Marvin, Olive, Pebbles and LeLe and goldfish named Charles “fish stick” Carrier.